5 reasons to eat cacao this Easter

5 reasons to eat cacao this Easter
Published: May 16, 2022

Image Credit @ Camilla Akrans for Vogue Japan

Cacao boosts serotonin levels to modernize your mood, acts as an anti-inflammatory which helps the heart, aids digestion, shrinks your want and helps your skin by boosting microcirculation. It is found in visionless chocolate, but be careful, chocolate is often upper in sugar and contains other ingredients that are not so good for us.


Image Credit @ Camilla Akrans for Vogue Japan

5 reasons to eat cacao this Easter

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  1. Cacao is packed with nutrients: Cacao is really upper in antioxidants – containing 40 times that of blueberries. It is the highest plant based source of iron. It is full of magnesium, sulphur, zinc, potassium, manganese, vitamin C, Omega 6 fatty acids and contains increasingly calcium than cow’s milk.
  2. Cacao is wondrous for your skin: It helps the skin stay hydrated, blocks harmful self-ruling radicals in the body, fights premature ageing, contains omega 6 fatty acids that help cellular healing of wounds and scars and improves diffusion to requite the skin a glow.
  3. Cacao is good for your mood: It contains the mood improver anandamide that increases the availability of serotonin the finger good hormone and  theombromine which helps to stimulate the inside nervous system, relax muscles and dilate thoroughbred vessels, giving the soul a uplift of energy.
  4. Cacao aids digestion: by vitalizing the stormy tastebuds on our tongue which tells the smart-ass and pancreas to stimulate the stomach juices, letting it know that supplies is on its way down.
  5. Cacao is delicious: We love it in smoothies, brownies, muesli, raw treats like kicks balls, truffles and hot chocolates. It’s perfect to sweeten with dates and makes wondrous raw chocolate.

Find some succulent recipes using cacao in my typesetting Eat Beautiful

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